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Truck Accidents

What Are the Causes of Large Truck Accidents in Atlanta?
Georgia’s Highway of the Future

Georgia officials are planning to construct a truck-only highway along the 40-mile stretch from Macon to Atlanta. The project would help to reduce congestion, increase safety, and provide for the anticipated increase in truck traffic over the next several years.   Sharing the Road Unfortunately, truck-only highways are still a few years away. In the […]

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What Should You Do If You’re Involved in a Trucking Accident?

If you are a victim of a trucking accident, 18-wheeler accident, or tractor-trailer accident, several questions may immediately pop in your mind.  You may be wondering who is responsible for the damage caused by the truck accident, who caused the accident, and how can you recover for your damages and pain due to the accident. […]

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Georgia Highways are Dangerous Enough

Big trucks on the road are dangerous for many reasons. Unfortunately, passenger cars and motorcycles just can’t compete with the sheer size and weight of commercial trucks. If some businesses get their way, commercial trucks are only going to get bigger. Currently, commercial trucks can haul two 28-foot trailers. However, the Senate Appropriations Committee passed […]

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