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Five Most Common Causes Of Car Accidents

Five Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents are all too common in today’s world, and they can have a terrible impact on your finances, no matter whose fault the accident was. It’s not always easy to determine which driver was at fault in an accident, however, especially if both drivers share the blame for what happened. To give you some insight into what kinds of things can cause car accidents to happen and how you can minimize your chances of being involved in one, here are five of the most common causes of car accidents according to a DC car accident lawyer at Cohen & Cohen.


Many car accidents happen because a driver was speeding. Drivers who are pulled over for speeding don’t just face fines or a criminal charge, they also risk serious injury or death in the event of an accident. To avoid the high cost and devastating consequences associated with a car accident, slow down! Remember that every mile per hour you drive over 50 increases your chances of crashing by 20%. Be mindful on the road and always follow posted speed limits.

Breaking too Hard

Driving at high speeds on highways and city streets can be exciting, but you’ll be in a car accident more often if you brake too hard. Squeezing the brake pedal too hard is one of the most common causes of car accidents. If your foot slips off the accelerator and you make a quick move to brake, this could result in a serious accident. To avoid breaking too hard, apply firm pressure to the brake pedal so that you won’t have any more trouble than necessary with sudden movements, and make sure to leave distance between you and drivers in front of you so you can avoid slamming on your breaks if they do so.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

Each year in the United States, thousands of people are killed due to car accidents. These accidents can be caused by a number of factors including driver inexperience, driver fatigue, road construction, improper signage and improperly trained drivers. In many cases alcohol is a key factor that is used as an excuse for this type of behavior but it is often not the only reason for a DUI crash. There are several common reasons that contribute to automobile collisions that lead to these types of DUI crashes. One factor for these types of accidents comes from the use of drugs or narcotics which make it difficult for an individual to focus on their driving abilities. It can cause them to have slower reflexes and reaction times while they’re driving which increases their chances or getting into an accident when they’re high.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving can be anything from checking your phone, eating a snack, or just gazing out the window while you are driving. It’s become such a concern that many states have passed laws that prohibit texting and even hands-free calling while behind the wheel. The statistics show that driver distraction is one of the top reasons for accidents across the country. This means even hands-free talking with a loved one could cause an accident if it doesn’t keep your attention fully on driving instead.

Improper Lane Changes

It may seem like improper lane changes happen all the time, but that’s because they’re so easy to make and it’s easy to see when one has happened. What many people don’t realize is that improper lane changes are actually the most common cause of accidents. The Federal Highway Administration even found that in urban areas, poor lane changing was responsible for more than one-third of the accidents involving other cars and bicycles!

If you or a loved one get into a car accident, contact a lawyer today for help!