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Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Atlanta, GA

A pedestrian accident can be an extremely serious and traumatic event, with life-changing consequences, especially if you suffer serious injuries as a result of the accident, which is why you need a pedestrian accident lawyer Atlanta, GA; a lawyer can help you get compensation after you’ve been injured in an accident in which another driver was at fault. Contact Council & Associates, LLC today to learn more about your rights and legal options so that you can get back on your feet after your accident and get the money you need to recover from your injuries.

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Atlanta, GA with a woman holding injured neck

What Is A Pedestrian Accident?

A pedestrian accident is any type of accident where a pedestrian is hit by a car, truck, or other vehicle. These accidents can be caused by negligent or distracted driving, and they often result in serious injuries for the pedestrian. If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, you may be wondering how to get compensation for your injuries. You are not alone; many people are surprised when they find out that it’s not enough to just call the police after an accident like this. The truth is that if you want justice for your situation, you will need an experienced Atlanta pedestrian accident lawyer who knows how to navigate these cases successfully. It’s always best to hire a lawyer as soon as possible so that he or she has time to start working on building up evidence against the person who injured you, before important details start disappearing from memory.

What Are My Rights When Hit By A Car In Atlanta?

As a pedestrian, you have the right of way when crossing the street at a marked crosswalk or intersection with a green light. If you are hit by a car while walking, the driver is usually at fault. You may be able to get compensation from the driver’s insurance company for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If the driver was uninsured or underinsured, you may be able to get compensation from your own insurance company. You should speak to an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer in Atlanta to find out what your rights are and how to get the compensation you deserve.

What Does The Driver Need To Prove In Court?

In order to prove that the driver is at fault, your pedestrian accident lawyer in Atlanta will need to show that the driver was negligent. This means that the driver did not use reasonable care while operating their vehicle. For example, if the driver was speeding or texting while driving, they may be considered negligent. If you were hit by a car while walking in a crosswalk, the driver would likely be considered negligent since they should have yielded to you.

What Do I Need To Prove In Court?

If you were hit by a car while walking in Atlanta, you may be wondering how you can get compensated for your injuries. The first thing you need to do is prove that the driver was at fault. To do this, you will need to show that the driver was negligent. Negligence is when a person fails to use reasonable care and someone is injured as a result. There are four elements of negligence: duty, breach, causation, and damages.

Contact an Atlanta pedestrian accident lawyer at Council & Associates, LLC today for help with your case.








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    “The Council & Associates team are amazing they kept me informed through the whole process. updates and time line was never an issue. I know my case wasn’t a million dollar case, but they made sure I was treated fairly would definitely use them again.”
    Kenneth Boggs
    Client Review

    Council & Associates, LLC

    50 Hurt Plaza, SE Suite 740
    Atlanta, Georgia 30303