Posted in Council and Associates LLC, Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle Helmets and Your Safety
You know what it feels like to ride a motorcycle: it’s exhilarating, refreshing, and thrilling. It gives you energy, and fills you with happiness-inducing endorphins. But that freedom comes at a price: Motorcycles can be supremely dangerous. Just one motorcycle accident, even a minor one, can spell huge disaster for riders.
The Motorcycle Helmet Law in Georgia
For your own protection, it is the law to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle in Atlanta.
If you own and ride a motorcycle, it’s not just highly advisable to wear protective gear (most notably a helmet), it’s the law. Given the dangers inherent in motorcycle riding, it’s not surprising that motorcycle riders are legally required to wear gear to protect their heads and eyes. The Georgia Motor Vehicle and Traffic Code § 40-6-315 states: “Headgear and eye-protective devices for riders (a) No person shall operate or ride upon a motorcycle unless he or she is wearing protective headgear which complies with standards established by the commissioner of public safety. (b) No person shall operate or ride upon a motorcycle if the motorcycle is not equipped with a windshield unless he or she is wearing an eye-protective device of a type approved by the commissioner of public safety.”
Motorcycle Helmets and Other Safety Gear
If you’re ever involved in an accident while you’re riding your motorcycle, the chances are good that you’ll be injured in some way. If that accident involves a vehicle of any size, the driver and passengers are likely to fare much better than you, simply because they have a great deal more protection than you. Cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs come equipped with seat belts, air bags, and a sturdy metal frame designed to shield and protect in case of accidents, but motorcycles come with none of those things, so you’ll have none of those benefits. That’s what makes your protective gear so important – it’s the only protection you have.
Helmets are designed to help riders survive in an accident; sadly, when people fail to wear their helmets as designed, they suffer more severe injuries and even death. Many lives across the state could be saved every year if riders would simply wear their helmets and goggles like they should.
Motorcycle Accident Statistics
Most motorcycle accident fatalities take the lives of young men, mostly between the ages of 20 and 39, but accidents can happen to anyone at any time, regardless of how careful you’re trying to be or how defensively you drive.
- Alcohol plays a part in a majority of motorcycle accidents, and intoxicated motorcyclists are involved in a greater percentage of fatal accidents than are intoxicated drivers of other vehicles.
- According to recent statistics, passenger vehicles are usually at fault when there’s an accident involving a motorcyclist. Most commonly, accidents occur when a vehicle turns left, hitting the motorcycle that was going straight.
- Decreased visibility increases the likelihood of accidents, but this becomes particularly more dangerous when a driver fails to see a motorcyclist. It’s easier to see other hazards on the road when they’re bigger and have more of a presence, which puts motorcyclists at a disadvantage.
- Driving too fast for the road and the conditions is a contributing factor in many accidents, and motorcycle riders are significantly more likely to speed, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Call an Experienced Atlanta Motorcycle Accident Attorney Today
If you have been injured or a loved one has been killed in a motorcycle accident, you should seriously consider hiring an attorney to fight for the compensation you’re due. If you file a lawsuit, or someone has filed a lawsuit against you, you’ll quickly realize that there’s a steep learning curve – one that you can easily simplify when you hire a knowledgeable attorney. With someone to guide you along the way, you can navigate the very complex process smoothly. For a free consultation, call to speak with one of the attorneys at Council & Associates, LLC today at (404) 526-8857.